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Рекомендации к применению приманок

Tim Caven Minnesota Trap Line

Red Fox Lures

  1. Red Fox LuresFox Hollow "Bounty Hunter"
  2. Caven "Minnesota Red"
  3. Milligan "Cat-Man-Do"
  4. June "Fox Frenzy"
  5. Caven "Violator 7"
  6. Fox Hollow "GH-II"
  7. Graham "Super Bonanza"
  8. Carman "Pro's Choice"
  9. Caven "Gusto"
  10. Fox Hollow "Voo-Doo"

Coyote & Wolf Lures

  1. Coyote Wolf LuresFox Hollow "GH-II"
  2. Caven "Yodel-Dog"
  3. Caven "Violator 7"
  4. June "Songdog Supreme"
  5. Miranda "High Plains Predator Call"
  6. Marsyada "#601 Coyote Lure Supreme"
  7. Caven "Gusto"
  8. Carman "Canine Call"
  9. O'Gorman "Plenty Coyotes"
  10. R&M "Coyote Creek"

Bobcat and Lynx Lures

  1. Bobcat and Lynx LuresCaven "Violator 7"
  2. Fox Hollow "GH-II"
  3. Fox Hollow "Voo-Doo"
  4. Caven "Gusto"
  5. Caven "Feline Fix"
  6. Graham "Tom Cat"
  7. O'Gorman "Powder River Cat Call"
  8. Dobbins "Purrrfect"
  9. Milligan "Cat-Man-Do"
  10. Miranda "High Plains Predator Call"

Grey Fox Lures

  1. Grey Fox LuresFox Hollow "Bounty Hunter"
  2. Caven "Violator 7"
  3. Caven "Minnesota Grey"
  4. Dobbins "Purrrfect"
  5. Fox Hollow "Voo-Doo"
  6. Coon's Best "Plum Crazy"
  7. Caven "Minnesota Red"
  8. Fox Hollow "Ultra Fox Call"
  9. Night Owl "High Honors"
  10. Miranda "Farmland Fox 1"

Fisher & Marten Lures

  1. Fisher Marten LuresCaven "Gusto"
  2. Dave D'Aigle "Skunk Junk"
  3. Fox Hollow "GH-II"
  4. Caven "Violator 7"
  5. Cronk "Allagash Fur Call"
  6. Carman "Canine Call"
  7. Lenon "Fisher Super All Call"
  8. Graham "Bonanza Cold"
  9. Night Owl "Crossbones"
  10. R&M "#170"

Mink Lures

  1. Mink LuresCaven "Mink Master"
  2. Carman "Deep Creek"
  3. Lenon "Mink #2 Super Range All Call"
  4. Marsyada "#401 Mink Lure Supreme"
  5. Hawbaker " Mink #1"
  6. R&M "Mink Madness"
  7. Cronk "Musky Mink"
  8. Caven "Minnesota Special"
  9. Grawe "Mink #1"
  10. Miranda "Pocket Popper"

Beaver Lures

  1. Beaver Lures"Sweetwater Flattail"
  2. Caven "Timber"
  3. D'Aigle "Flattail Gold"
  4. Dobbins "Backbreaker"
  5. Fox Hollow "Damn-A-Dam"
  6. Miranda "Jym River"
  7. Marsyada "#501"
  8. Fox Hollow "Pond Drainer"
  9. Cronk "Beaver #1"
  10. Caven "Bounty Beaver"

Muskrat LuresMuskrat Lures

  1. Lenon "Muskrat Super All Call"
  2. Caven "Bread & Butter"
  3. Carman "Hudson Seal"
  4. Fox Hollow "Boat Sinker"
  5. Miranda "Ruddertail"
  6. Hawbaker "Muskrat #1"
  7. Dobbins "Muskrat #1"
  8. Marsyada "#301 Muskrat Food Lure"
  9. D'Aigle "Muskrat Medley"
  10. Carman "MCL 100"

Weasel LuresWeasel Lures

  1. Lenon "Weasel Super All Call"
  2. Caven "Mink Master"
  3. Hawbaker "Weasel Lure"
  4. Cronk "Allagash Fur Call"
  5. Caven "Gusto"

Badger LuresBadger Lures

  1. Fox Hollow "Voo-Doo"
  2. Caven "Violator 7"
  3. Miranda "High Plains Predator Call"
  4. Carman "Canine Call"
  5. Milligan "Cat-Man-Do"

Otter LuresOtter Lures

  1. Lenon "Otter Super All Call"
  2. Caven "Otter Lure Supreme"
  3. Marsyada "#900 Otter Lure"
  4. Hawbaker "Otter Lure"
  5. Fox Hollow "Torpedo"

Fox, Coyote, and Bobcat Bait

  1. Fox Coyote and Bobcat BaitCaven "Hiawatha Valley"
  2. Caven "Minnesota Brand Predator Bait Plus"
  3. June "Widowmaker"
  4. O'Gorman "Powder River Paste Bait"
  5. Carman "Bushwacker"
  6. Caven "Just Mice"
  7. Milligan "Predatory"
  8. Kaatz "Sandhills Majik"
  9. Caven "Terminator"
  10. Caven "Bobcat Chunk Bait"

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